I mounted a Contour Action Cam to a Pinewood Derby car for laughs.  The race goes by in a hurry but it’s kind of cool.  The name of the car was Cyclops, of course.
Juicy, supernatural soap opera featuring the fabulous Jaqueline Bisset as the wife of an aspiring concert pianist who has her world turned upside down by a gaggle of satanic cult members.  Plenty of post Flower Power saturated colors, soft focus lenses and semi risqué goings on.  Very enjoyable time waster that plays like the cinematic equivalent of a melodramatic romantic novel.  Featuring a cast of great character actors including Willian Windom, Bradford Dillman, Curt Jurgens, Alan Alda and Barbara Parkins.
This may be my favorite episode of Kolchak – The Night Stalker TV series.  Kolchak ends up on an ocean cruise to do a fluff piece on the singles scene.  It ends up being anything but a pleasure cruise for the intrepid reporter.  A series of brutal attacks on the paying customers ensue and Kolchak theorizes that a werewolf may be responsible.  It turns out one of the guests is harboring a dreadful secret that has a nasty habit of getting completely out of control when the full moon rises.  This is a very suspenseful show full of dark shadows, memorable acting [More]
A guilty pleasure!  Caveman is dug up in China by a scientific expedition and transported by train out of the frozen wastes.  Unbeknownst to the expedition, an alien life presence has been trapped inside the prehistoric life form and it wants to make up for millions of years of lost time!  Namely, turning anyone who gazes into its hypnotic red eyes into a zombified slave who does the alien’s bidding.  A battle between us and them erupts on the train ride with the very future of mankind’s supremacy on this planet at stake!  Peter Cushing and Christopher Lee are teamed [More]
This little slide show of tornados and high winds and weather mayhem is totally unbelievable.  Mother Nature can be very scary indeed.  I live on the West Coast.  We don’t have to deal with this nightmare.  Just earthquakes.  hehe.
I love this flick.  Atmospheric, indeed!  An otherworldly craft touches down in the British countryside.  Three aliens are variously seen in the shadows.  A military unit picks up the craft on radar and begins to search for whatever appeared on the scope.  One of the aliens is struck by a car when the fellow tries to dash across a fog enshrouded road at night.  He is taken to a hospital where he is looked after.  The other two aliens track his whereabouts and put an invisible barrier in place around the hospital.  What are the aliens’ intentions?  A lot of engaging night time [More]
Roxy Music, with their original lineup, perform “Editions of You”.  Lovely stage performances by Bryan Ferry and Brian Eno.  This band appeared around the era of ’70’s British Glam Rock and the costumes lent themselves to that genre.  Roxy, though, was able to progress artistically beyond the confines of that particular music style and continue its career.  Eno would leave the band soon after this performance.
This is a riveting tale of a brilliant scientist’s creation of a super computer that can assist with the automation and running of America’s military defense systems.   Things go horribly awry when the computer, Colossus, combines “minds” with a Russian super computer equivalent, Guardian.  The two machines decide that their superior intellect and control of their respective nations’ defense systems make them perfectly suited to usurp their inferior human creators.  The emotionless computer trust then begins to tighten its grip of control over humanity with some indelicate displays of might, namely dropping nukes on some US and Russian sites.  Things [More]
A different approach to mastering your musical instrument is demonstrated here.  Not the most cost effective way….but, a way.  Strongly influenced by The Who and their auto destruction phase.
    A car attempting to pass another car ends up crashing into an unseen oncoming vehicle.  Scary.
This dude has got to be flipped!  A ramp launch across open ground into a 12 foot wide, 5 foot deep swimming pool.  Crazy sick.
Some ideas never seem to go away.  Over 40 years ago, there was a book documenting strange anomalies seen in NASA photographs of the Moon’s surface.  Some of the images originated from orbital surveyors, others were taken during Apollo missions to the Moon’s surface.  I have to say that some of the things supposedly seen by acute observers of unusual structures and objects on the Moon stretch credibility and take a good bit of imagination to visualize.  And then there are other images, still and motion, which are hard to figure out what the heck they are.  Anyway, here is a [More]
Classic tale of an otherworldly killing spree set in modern day Las Vegas.  A down on his luck reporter, Carl Kolchak, stumbles upon a series of murders that lead him to the inevitable conclusion that an actual vampire is loose in a city that never sleeps.  Scary upon first and subsequent viewings.  Creepy, nightmarish performance by veteran actor Barry Atwater as the vampire. Darren McGavin as Carl Kolchak is superb.  This is definitely one of those films that you don’t want to watch at night with the lights out.  Very chilling and produced as a TV movie, to boot!      
Cool little assemblage of familiar characters facing off in the dark streets of Gotham.  Creepy Joker, as well!  NICE!!!