More sad news from the music world. Neil Peart, the hugely talented drummer for the rock band Rush, has passed. He had been battling with brain cancer for the last three years. Rush was the first rock show I went to back in the dark, remote past. They were touring their long player, “A Farewell to Kings.” Lovely experience, lovely dope, lovely playing, lovely man. I chose the music video they released for “Xanadu”, the second track on “Farewell”. We bid farewell to this drummer king, Mr. Neal Peart.
It is that time of year again.  Want to get into the spirit?  Why not pick up your guitar and learn the “Halloween” (1978) theme?  I am referring to the music and movie created by John Carpenter that has become very ingrained in our culture.  Very remarkable, that! Here is some guitar tablature that will allow you to easily follow along and learn the tune.  Let the celebration begin!  
Dick Dale was known as the King of Surf Guitar.  I am including this link to a story reported in Rolling Stone magazine.  It tells Dale’s story better than I could: Dick Dale, King of the Surf Guitar, Dead at 81 I saw Dale perform at a small club a few years back.  His band definitely didn’t hold back on the volume!  Treble, reverb, noise showered the crowd.   A beautiful thing.
Wunderkind drummer for The Who, Keith Moon, left this mortal coil 40 years ago.  What a loss.  The legendary madman lead an alcohol and drug fueled existence that bolstered his outgoing personality and flashy, unorthodox, drum style.  Alas, this very fast lifestyle also accelerated an early end to his explosive drumming style and life.  As the years wore on and the intoxicants flowed, so to did his strength and lifeforce get tapped.  Moon died at the age of 32 on September 7, 1978.  Please examine YouTube videos of his earlier days when he was in his prime.  You will be [More]
I recommend this Top Ten List of Strange Space Noise recorded over the years by scientists and researchers.  Marvel at the mutterings of an actual Black Hole!  Hear the astonishing sonic wash of space telemetry (Brief Interruption Here.  Here is an explanation of Space Telemetry:  Data Transmission Space telemetry transmits information in the form of a radio signal. Sensors on the spacecraft collect analog data–a photograph of Mars for example–and send it back to Earth. Early space telemetry systems used Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to transmit data.) in all its glory!  You get the idea.  [More]