Art Bell just passed away.  Bell was a very interesting fellow who started the Coast To Coast AM radio program.  Bell was a pretty good interviewer and would let his guests discuss their topics at length.  Bell followed his interests and featured a lot of paranormal topics and brought on guests who discussed UFO’s, Bigfoot, ghosts, and other strange phenomena.  I spent many a night listening to his program and getting scared out of my wits and avoiding sleep.  I have great memories of Bell, his beliefs and his sense of humor. The clip I linked to is an example [More]
I recommend this Top Ten List of Strange Space Noise recorded over the years by scientists and researchers.  Marvel at the mutterings of an actual Black Hole!  Hear the astonishing sonic wash of space telemetry (Brief Interruption Here.  Here is an explanation of Space Telemetry:  Data Transmission Space telemetry transmits information in the form of a radio signal. Sensors on the spacecraft collect analog data–a photograph of Mars for example–and send it back to Earth. Early space telemetry systems used Pulse Position Modulation (PPM) and Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) to transmit data.) in all its glory!  You get the idea.  [More]